Kirsten Dunst: “My boobs make dressing difficult”


Kirsten Dunst has recently opened up about her struggles with body image, but with a twist—instead of lamenting over small breasts and considering augmentation, she’s expressed that hers are too large. According to Kirsten, her bust size makes it challenging to find flattering clothing, leading her to often cover up. We’re certain many would beg to differ, Kirsten! She shared, “It’s harder to dress if you have boobs. I usually cover them.” But come on, Kirsten, don’t hide them—embrace them! After all, there are countless women in Hollywood spending fortunes to achieve curves like yours.

She also compared herself to Alexa Chung, admiring her effortlessly chic style but attributing it to her slender, model-like frame. “When you have a beanpole body, everything looks cute. Like Alexa Chung. I like her style, but she’s really tall and skinny, so everything looks good on her.” Sure, Kirsten, but we’d wager that Alexa might secretly envy your figure!

Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten’s self-criticism doesn’t stop there. Unlike many in Hollywood who exude confidence, she’s surprisingly self-deprecating. She’s even described herself as having a “moonface” in red carpet photos, saying, “I hate those photos so much. I always look terrible. They don’t know angles on faces. There’s no artistry to it. I hate them.” So, according to Kirsten, she’s a “moonface with big boobs.” Charming, right?

But it’s not all self-doubt. Kirsten does have a few things she loves about herself: “I like my legs. I like wearing short dresses and high heels. And I think I have good hair.” Well, at least there’s that! Though, after this candid interview, we might find it hard not to notice her curves and think of lunar landscapes whenever we see her face.

On a brighter note, Kirsten’s upcoming film, Upside Down, where she stars alongside Jim Sturgess, is set to release later this year. We’ll be sure to watch it—though perhaps with a newfound perspective on her moonface and enviable figure!
